With song titles like “I want to be a pillow”, “Loneliness”, and “Imagine me without you”; and cutesy hand-drawn album covers that are caricatures of himself, J_ust could be the poster boy for Korean indie music. He should be the poster boy for Korean indie music.

Born Seo Seokwoo, the 28-year-old singer-songwriter has the sort of comforting acoustic guitar sound you’ve come to expect from indie ballads. There’s a certain gentleness that washes away your frustrations, an almost carefree playfulness in his melodies that calms you down, and lyrics so undeniably cheesy that you can’t help but smile.

Here are the top three tracks you should check out from J_ust:
1. I want to be a pillow
Not just any pillow, J_ust wants to become the pillow of his lover so he can spend more time with her (no, not physically becoming a pillow). While a little creepy, it is definitely a sweet gesture and the ballad has a playful ring to it.
I want to be your pillow
It’s okay if my arm hurts so you can sleep comfortably
2. a handwritten letter
Not everything that should have been would have been said after a breakup and this song sings to the feelings one has in such moments.
I’m trying to write my heart down
So I don’t worry about you
3. Wedding Song (feat. Wonpil of DAY6)
Wedding Song captures all the beautiful moments and feelings leading up to the beginning of a couple’s beautiful life ahead and a hope that every day would be as beautiful as the wedding day.
Always looking at you from your side
I will tell you that I love you
Even if time passes and everything changes
I won’t let go of your tightly held hand