In need of presents for your friends during this festive period? Head down to the PLAY LINE FRIENDS store for holiday-themed gifts!

A snowy memory
Step into the store and get instantly teleported to BT21 Town with festive hanging decorations and photo corner – Don’t forget to take many pictures for your Instagram Story! Join the lovely characters of BT21 and travel into their snow-filled universe. Snap a photo at the BT21 photo corner or even with the Mega SALLY, waiting to greet you at the front door.

More gifts this holiday season
To celebrate this festive season, PLAY LINE FRIENDS has also brought many exciting gifts! Whether you are celebrating from the comfort of your own home or coming to play in-store, everyone gets a treat!
From now until 3rd January 2021, receive a free BT21 gift wrapper (Design A) with every $50 spent! Not only that, but you will also receive a BT21 Town coupon containing between 3 to 5 points at random, which you can accumulate and exchange for selected* BT21 items available in store. What a perfect combination, wrapping your cute gifts in even cuter exclusive gift wrappers!
That’s not all! With every purchase, you’ll also be able to purchase additional BT21 gift wrapper (Design B) – to add a little more flair to all your gifts this year!

Get lucky with us
The popular Lucky Bags are back! Members can now get 3 to 4 BROWN & FRIENDS items (worth up to $62) for only $30! And because all good things come in pairs – choose between Lucky bags A and B or even get both and treat yourself to lovely surprises!
How to receive the Lucky Bags? Sign up for the PLAY LINE FRIENDS membership programme and you’ll be entitled to purchase 1 of each Lucky Bag. Simply claim your Lucky Bag from your rewards and present the voucher in-store!

Shop online and receive a treat too
If online shopping has taken over your life, you can always purchase these adorable gifts on Lazada too! Head over to Lazada and receive a limited edition BT21 Town postcard (of 2 designs) for every $50 spent on the official PLAY LINE FRIENDS store in LazMall!
*Selected items available while stocks last.