Fun K-Fitness Exercises to do from Home during quarantine

No more excuses... for now

Home Workout

Not a fan of going outdoors to workout? Want to keep fit yet don’t feel like parting with your moolah on online fitness classes? You can always find workout videos online! We’ve compiled a list of YouTube channels for all K-Fitness enthusiast to make your workout more entertaining and most importantly, safe in the comfort of your own home during this period.


1. Allblanc TV

Despite being a Korean channel, their videos come with English subtitles, so you won’t miss out on their instructions and motivational cheers when you feel like giving up halfway. Think of it as a group workout session if you will, and your “friends” on screen are encouraging you to complete the workout together.

Not only are they perform for home workouts they also upload different workout routines to cater to different individual’s fitness levels (from office stretching to 30min walking exercises and more intensive full-body workouts), take your pick!

2. Sunny Funny Fitness

Just like the channel name suggests, Sunny Funny Fitness is here to put a smile on your face with their upbeat workout routines! If you prefer a mixture of some upbeat K-pop songs to groove to, be sure to check out this channel as they turn your favourite K-pop songs into full-fledged Zumba and fitness routines. Have fun jamming to your favourite songs while trying to keep to the pace! They also have circuit training videos that you can follow with as well.

3. Kpop Fitness

For those who prefer workout videos that are more instructional and target specific areas of the body with dance workout videos to “train like an idol”, this channel will be perfect for you! If you appreciate videos that not only demonstrate but give you guided instructions on the specific ways to carry out the exercise so that you don’t injure yourself, this is the go-to channel!  #safetyfirst

Do note that this channel compiles different workout videos done by other YouTubers or fitness gurus to form a set of exercises to go along with the Kpop songs.

4. Kkardio Dance

Staying true to its name, this is a local channel that does videos of popular K-pop songs and tweaks the choreography to make the moves easier to follow and combines it with cardio elements to make you perspire!


While these workouts may or may not guarantee you washboard abs and a nice waistline by the end of Circuit Breaker, it doesn’t hurt to try something new and make your workout less dreadful right?

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