8 Korean Beverages Instagram accounts with insanely aesthetically pleasing drinks

Photos credit: goghxbyeorri on Instagram

Raise your hand if you have a sweet tooth! Korean beverages have been popping up on Instagram lately, with their sweet, colourful and aesthetically pleasing looking beverages, they are simply hard to resist. If you love spending your time watching ASMR dessert recipe videos on Instagram, here are a list of Korean Beverages Instagram accounts you should follow!


1. cat._.fe


2. in.na__


3. y.na__


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#flowers 💐 봄봄봄 🌼 . . . 🎶 like someone in love _ chet baker 🎶 #홈카페#homecafe#tableyn🌿

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4. nohi_frida_jy


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– 아침엔 듀뜨 아니구 아침엔 밀쿠띠.

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5. goma___cafe


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“ᵛᴬᴺᴵᴸᴸᴬ ᴰᴼᵁᴮᴸᴱ ˢᴴᴼᵀ” 이거 너무 맛있어서 또 만들어 마셨어요🙊 칼로리도 125kcal밖에 안돼요!(높은건가오,,?👀) 얼음 뽀짝 소리 넣을려고 얼음 넣기 직전에 뛰어가서 얼음 가져오는디 넘 힘드네욬ㅋㅋㅋ 화질이 너무 깨져서 편집하는데 한 시간이나 걸렸지만 여전하구용🤯 TMI: 얼마전에는 퐁당오코르크 깨고 어제는 노트북 액정 깨고(아령 옮기다가 떨어뜨렸,,) 이에 질세라 무릎으로 쳐서 수납장 문에 있는 유리가 빠졌어요.. (파괴력 무엇☠️) 엄마가 아시기전에 버리고 오렵니다,,🙏💦 . . . . #바닐라더블샷 #투명한칵테일쉐이커 #vanilladoubleshot #starbucks #homecafe #홈카페 #홈카페놀이 #캡슐커피 #일상 #소통 #고마홈카페 #goma___cafe

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6. hanse____


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. 크림 위에 설탕 #흑당버블티 #bubbletea #홈카페 @hi_hanse

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7. 2.qhzi


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이번엔 말차 💚 ㅤ 요즘 첸 노래 무한 반복 재생 중.. ㅤ ♪ 꽃 (Flower) – 첸 (CHEN) ㅤ

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8. goghxbyeorri

Hopefully these accounts will inspire you to head to your kitchen and make yourself a sweet treat!

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